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Taco Soup

Taco Soup is one of those recipes that is so simple, yet tastes so yummy!  This soup is great for a cold, blustery day, when all you want to do is wrap up in a blanket and eat a big bowl of a hearty soup.  And, it’s simplicity makes it a perfect weeknight meal.  Brown some ground beef with onions, open some packets and some cans, heat it all up, and “ta-da!”  Dinner is ready!

Here’s what you need.

Now seriously… I pretty much already told you how to make this soup!  It is SO simple!

Brown your ground beef with the onions.  If you forget to add the onions, that’s okay.  They’ll cook in the soup later.  I forget to cook the onions with the beef almost all of the time, and have never really noticed a difference in the taste.

After draining off the fat, add all of the other ingredients.  If you have a packet of taco seasoning on hand, that’s fine.  But of course, I wholeheartedly recommend that you make your own!  (I leave out the flour when I’m making it for this soup)

Simmer it on the stove top for about 20 to 30 minutes or so.  Or, do as I do when I’m feeling lazy and dump it all in a crock pot to cook for a few hours!

Leftovers of this soup are excellent, and it freezes pretty well.  It’s such a great recipe to have in your lineup!

Taco Soup
From an old church cookbook

1 pound ground beef
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 packet of Ranch dip mix
1 packet of taco seasoning (or one recipe of taco seasoning mix minus the flour!)
1 cup frozen corn (or 1 can of corn, drained)
1 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes, undrained
1 15.5 oz can chili beans
1 10.75 oz can tomato soup

Brown ground beef with onion.  Drain off fat.  Place all ingredients in a saucepan.  Simmer over low heat until hot.  Alternatively, cook in a crock pot on low for several hours, stirring occasionally.

Makes 4 to 6 servings.

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