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Weekly Menu Plan, Apr 8 – Apr 14

I tried two new recipes last week, and both seemed to be keepers!  Of course, I had to put my own little spin on them, and alter them to our family’s tastes.  I will probably make both of them again in the future.

Speaking of your “family’s tastes”, do you frequently tweak recipes to cater to them?  Does your family have particular “tastes”?  It’s taken me awhile to learn my husband’s (and I still ignore them sometimes… Sorry, hon, I love green peppers and I know you don’t! ;)) and yet I still learn a few new things now and then.  I’m curious as to how you all alter recipes, and how often, so please comment if you do!

This week is going to be filled with busyness (as usual), so I’m going to attempt to keep things simple.  We dyed lots of Easter eggs this past weekend, so they will make their way into an egg salad.  Steaks one night will be another simple meal, but I’ll probably whip up some sort of potatoes to go along.

The most exciting part of this week is that we get to wrap it up with a party for our daughter’s first birthday!  We will have a “taco bar” where everyone can make tacos to their liking.  And, of course, birthday cake and ice cream!  It will be great to spend the evening with family and friends, and to celebrate our wonderful, precious daughter!!

Taco Bar
Egg Salad sandwiches
Steaks on the grill
BBQ Beef sandwiches
Slow-Cooked Swiss Steak (new recipe to us)
Dinner at church
Leftovers/freezer meal (as always, leaving some room for flexibility!)

What’s on your menu this week?

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