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Weekly Menu Plan, Sept 16 – Sept 22

Am I the only one, or did last week just seem to take forever?  It felt like the longest week to me!  However, I managed to have a little time over the weekend to make vanilla scones (my husband begged for them, and how could I refuse?) and some breakfast casserole for both my husband and brother-in-law who worked so hard to put a new roof on our house!

We liked the chili mac I made, and I even remembered to take pictures, so you all get to see how I changed it to suit our tastes!  This week, I have to travel a tiny bit for work, but no overnight stays.  I will be getting home late, so I’m going to try to cook what I can ahead of time so that I can just pop dinner in the oven when I get home.  And I am making Julia Child’s Boeuf Bourguignon on the weekend, because I am feeling a bit adventurous!

Cheesy Beans & Rice
Sloppy Joes
Bierocks (from the freezer)
Julia’s Boeuf Bourguignon (new recipe to us!)
Cheesy Potato Soup
Lasagna (also taking some to friends with a new baby!)

What’s on your menu plan this week?

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